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Crown Members 

"Welcome to the round table." 


Fine print. These membership plans are for one person not a family. You are not obligated to show up for your appointments however you will be billed regardless. Example, if you only use 2 out of 3 haircuts in a month you cannot carry it over to the next month. If something comes up and you are unable to attend to your appointment please allow 24 hours minimum for any cancellations or rescheduling. Plans can be cancelled,  however only after each month is completed, not half way through the month. There is no hidden or additional fees. Products with discount are not meant for resale purposes. You are allowed to purchase more hair/beard trims beyond your discount however once they are used up depending on your package, additional will be full price. Complimentary shampoo is a service prior to your haircut not a product bottle. Ask about our referral program to receive additional discounts on your services.

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